Good dog! Bad bone!

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I’ve been waiting for a journo to write this 🙏 Looking forward to Part 2

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Is it weird that I’m crying and it feels like a crying-out-of-relief moment 😩 I am dying to read Part 2. Linda, thank you 😊 🙏❤️

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Nailed it Linda! You go girl….

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For me it is difficult to find the words to explain how I feel as I uncover the truth. I did a FOIPOP and received all the FOIPOPs done to the Nova Scotia Health Authority and I sat their paralyzed in my chair staring at the computer screen as I noted that the Ct levels are set too high on the PCR test, that the Rapid Tests can pick up bacteria and co-infections and test positive, that all the cancelled surgeries in March to May 2020 led to 33 deaths, and that they were not using treatments that could save lives. Then I did FOIPOPs on hospitalizations proving that they were not over-run with COVID patients, they have no record that a positive asymptomatic COVID-19 case has spread to others in Nova Scotia - and no record, proof, evidence that proof of vaccine keeps people safe. Add to that a COVID death can "probable" and from a "clinically compatible illness" and you really wonder what is behind all of this madness. Then I asked for co-morbidities of the people who sadly died. They were very sick already and at the end of life. What's going on folks? We have two people in charge ruining many of our lives - no debate...for what?

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