How vital are salmon to our existence, to our diet? Would it matter if I never had salmon on my plate again? Would our society collapse? Why go to these extreme measures (fish on land?) with such high costs? Any kind of fish farming should stop and let nature take over...maybe our children's children will be able to eat a healthy fish again.

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Last year I read Morton's book, "Not On My Watch" and found that it read like science fiction. Scared the hell out of me. Your article also Linda. This is not a complaint. Her book and your piece are loaded with information. Not fun bed-time reading, but important for us to be aware of. Great wake-up call. Thank you! (Addendum: Citizens CAN take action and make a difference. When a plan was rolled out to approve a salmon farm here in Yarmouth, citizens got informed, mounted an aggressive and intelligent campaign, "re-educated" our municipal councillors who had been sold a bill of goods, and the project came to a full halt.

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Just read an article about the country I live in fishing off of the Galapagos, Peru, etc. The new Factory Farms, Battery Hens and industrial Feedlots!

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Yes, I think I know the article you mean... haven't read it yet. I will.

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