Jan 28Liked by Linda Pannozzo

Happy Anniversary! While I don't always agree with you, I'm always grateful for you and your mind.

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Jan 10Liked by Linda Pannozzo

I wonder how much our perception of a more democratic 'past', and the steady decline of a societal state of honour, openness and generosity is heavily coloured by where each of stands in relation to privilege. I would imagine that not many Indigenous people look back and consider the foundation of this current society as a just one, but rather catastrophic.

I grew up as one member of the last instalment of baby-boomers. My family was working class, white, and protestant. We were proud of our United Empire Loyalist heritage. My ancestors had occupied land in the Niagara area for several generations by the time I came along. While we were not rich we always had food on the table, and for me the symbol of our working class ethic was my father's lunch pail. But I was informed by a friend once that not everyone had that Leave-it-to-Beaver-kinda household to grow up in.

So I wonder if the current state of technological perversity we find ourselves in is not really a departure from the past but actually some sort of logical unfolding on the same continuum.

Thanks for raising the questions and initiating the conversation Linda.

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Thank you for continuing to raise your voice. We need you.

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